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Deep Healing…How do we get there?

When we are on a healing path, it is not always a smooth, easy journey. Often it is tortuous, labored and confusing. Maybe we have tried many different remedies, medicines, herbs, diets, injections or pills without much of a shift in our health.Maybe this has become so frustrating we don’t want to try new therapies or see another provider.

We are here to help and have devoted much time, study and practice to understanding deep healing and how to achieve this. Both Dr. Paul and Dr. Mele have complex healing journeys of their own that are ever present…but they both will agree there are few integral pieces to shift towards a healing presence when faced with a stagnant journey.

  • Consistent sleep– simple, we know, but if the body does not have that integral time of 8-10 hours to rest, recharge and reinvent itself this is going to impact healing. Dream time is when our body clears wastes, filters emotions, resets metabolically and mentally.
  • Nervous system regulation– we could throw out everything on the list besides sleeping, eating well and this would be THE most imperative piece of healing. We have seen many patients with deep pathology, trauma, unease, chronic infections etc. all exacerbated by or stemming from a dysregulated nervous system. What our mind tells our body on a daily basis is important- and if that messaging is full of fear, doubt, anger, irritability or sadness our body will feel that. Nervous system regulation is key to helping the body heal and we are here to assist with many different modalities of treatment to shift the response of the nervous system.
  • Eat whole unprocessed foods and drink water. Don’t undereat, don’t overeat- the body is dependent on nutrients and water for nearly every biochemical process. Without this basic building block it is difficult to shift into a healing response.
  • Eliminate toxins from daily living– food, chemical exposures, household cleaning products, body care, make-up, sunscreen…the list goes on and on. Over years of use these products and exposures sink deeply into the tissues, creating more clutter for an already burdened body to deal with. We love using sauna therapy and biotherapeutic drainage to stimulate detox pathways and clear toxins from the body in a safe and gentle way.
  • Move your body– in whatever way feels best to you, every day. A dynamic body is a living, breathing, happy body. When we are stagnant our tissues reflect this and it is harder to clear fluid, inflammation and toxins

We consider it an honor and privilege to help those on their healing path. If you are interested in fine-tuning any of the above we would love to discuss a way to move the needle into a healing space.

We are excited to start offering Prolozone, a unique form of prolotherapy that utilizes ozone for joint healing and recovery. It will pair great with our deep tissue laser therapy in helping our patients avoid surgery, pain medications, and live life with greater mobility.

Dr. Paul Despres is training with Dr. Shallenberger in Reno and will start seeing patients for prolozone beginning Monday, June 17th. He will only be offering these procedures on Monday’s and Tuesday’s of each week.

Please call the clinic 928-213-5828 to get on his schedule!