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What is Neurofeedback?

Rewire your brain and optimize brain function with...


NeuroGen Brain Balancing provides “High-Performance Neurofeedback (HPN)” which is a gentle form of brain stimulation in combination with electroencephalography (EEG) to measure and treat abnormal electrical activity of neurons within the brain. Neurofeedback has been clinically shown to reduce symptoms associated with neurological conditions that stem from imbalances in the brain. Treatment involves a painless, low-power pulse transcranial stimulation procedure to interrupt unhealthy brain waves patterns and promote new, healthy ones. The brain’s response is typically fast, with changes noticed in the first session or two….our results are impressive.

What are the benefits of neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback treats the problem, not the symptom. Neurofeedback has been clinically shown to be helpful in reducing symptoms associated with brain imbalances and dysregulation.

What conditions is Neurofeedback used to treat?

Neurofeedback has proven to be helpful to sufferers of many neurological conditions including chronic pain, depression, anxiety, migraines, PTSD, ADHD and many more. The full list of conditions it can be helpful for includes:

    • ADD/ADHD
    • Academic Performance
    • Addiction
    • Anger
    • Anxiety
    • Athletic Performance
    • Autism
    • Bruxism
    • Migraines
    • Chronic Fatigue
    • OCD
    • Concussions
    • PTSD Depression (some)
    • Pain Hyper-vigilance
    • Stress
    • Insomnia
    • TBI
    • Long COVID
    • Tourette’s

What should I expect during my first session?

A client will be asked many questions to determine the client’s probable reactivity to the protocols used during treatment. Every person is different; different DNA, different brain and different central nervous system, so there is no one formula that works for everyone. There are, however, certain steps the ICP takes to ensure safe and healthy results. The provider then proceeds to:

    • Place sensors on the head and neck to measure the electrical activity in the brain using an electroencephalograph (EEG) unit.
    • The EEG unit transmits signals to the computer, which responds by sending low-intensity pulses back through the EEG unit to the brain: 1.) Interrupting irregular patterns; 2.) Stimulating new healthy ones
    • The result is the minimization of unhealthy brain waves and the symptoms associated with them.

Is there any pain or discomfort with treatment?

Never! The NeuroGen Certified Practitioner will attach five leads; one at the base of the neck, and one negative lead behind each ear. Then two additional positive leads will be placed in pairs on different sites on the scalp to address the specific needs of the client. The EEG Amplifier puts out a very small signal that is equivalent to about 1/100th the strength of an AA battery. The signal is less than the strength of a cell phone signal and is far below anything a person can feel or detect. The MCN System is a Class 1 FDA Registered device, 510K approved

What can I expect after a treatment?

Commonly reported responses include mental clarity, clearer vision, more restful sleep, increase in motivation, improved focus, decreased anxiety and depression, increased ability to read, absence of irritability, impatience and anger. Occasionally, individuals may experience a feeling of being tired, lightheaded or maybe feel a slight headache or temporary exacerbation of a symptom, which typically resolves within a few minutes, or a few hours.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments varies from person to person. Some clients notice improvement after just one session. An individual with a history of lifelong problems will typically require more treatments. A typical series is 15-20 treatments for adults, youth typically require less. Initial improvements are often temporary, but due to the cumulative nature of the treatments, the improvements last longer with each one. Over time, the improvements often lead to enduring sustainability.

How will I know if treatment is working for me?

A person may feel significant, or even dramatic change after only one session. On the other hand, the changes a person feels may be subtle. Often family members, friends, or co-workers notice a difference right away. The success rate for improvement for those who have used the process (over 100,000), however, is notably impressive.

See What A Session Looks Like Beginning to End
Meet Skylar Our Neurofeedback Specialist

Heal and reset your brain today. Call us to learn more or schedule an appointment.